
Hi! I'm Hamza BADAOUI

I'm an engineering student at INSA Lyon, departement of telecommucnation, where I've learnt networking programming and communication system

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Contact me here!

Email: hamza.badaoui@insa-lyon.fr

LinkedIn: Hamza BADAOUI


Checkout a few of my works


Where to go

A smart full stack app, that tells the user based on his geographical position the countries that he can visit, and the one that are closed due to the travel restrictions put in place after the Covid outbreak

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Benevolant developer for the Red Cross

Due to the coronavirus outbreak in 2020, we developed two multilingual android app using Java and Android Studio to help them fight the coronavirus. The two sister apps help first aid and families identify victims and speed up the paperwork process.

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The strandbeast are small robots that could execute simple commands like move forward or turn left. But they lacked any kind of intelligence. Using the RaspberryPi on board and python, I was able to implement a Patrol And Routing protocol in the small robots, giving them the ability to map and patrol areas and provide an API to remote control them.

Distributed Application


Developed a distributed card game in Python. The game is multiplayer and has a graphical user interface. It supports as many players as your screen can handle. This piece of software is distributed and takes advantage of multiprocessing and multithreading.

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RaspberryPi - Server

Smart laundromats module

Designed a Raspberry Pi module and server to make ordinary laundromats smart and automated. Making it much more convinent for the user and managers.

Progressive web apps


A progressive web app that can be installed in both iOS and Android that tracks user's intake of caffeine throughout the day. The app features an easy to use interafce, funny easter eggs and useful information about caffeine.

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